The 10 best places to take wedding photos in Rome


posti migliori per fare le foto a Roma


One of the questions that I hear more often from the spouses is: “Our wedding is in Rome, where do you recommend to take pictures after the ceremony?“.
Indeed, the choice of where to take wedding photos in Rome is not easy and the right answer depends on many factors, but let’s analyze them one at a time!



The time to take couple photos is one of the most important factors for a wedding photo shoot and can determine the success or failure of the shoot itself. Taking photos too early means having a still harsh light, which would remove poetry from the shots and accentuate any flaws. Doing them too late could mean shooting without light and therefore having more flat and banal photos. I always try to shoot before sunset, when the light is softer and warmer.

posti migliori per fare le foto a Roma


The time of year

One aspect that should not be underestimated is the month of the year in which you are getting married. Photographing in the center of summer for example could mean having photos full of tourists in the background, not really a pretty sight. In the winter months, on the other hand, you can meet the cold and rain more easily, so you can also think of a place that is covered.

posti migliori per fare le foto a Roma


The distance from the church and the reception

To take photos after the wedding, I always recommend choosing a place that is not too far from the place of the ceremony or the reception, the ideal would be something that is on the road. This is because choosing a place that is too out of the way can lead to arriving late at the location and therefore taking away time from the celebrations with the guests. Always remember that you are taking pictures because you got married, you didn’t get married to take pictures!


posti migliori per fare le foto a Roma


So having made these considerations, it’s time to find out which are the best places in Rome to take wedding photos.


proposta di matrimonio a roma


The Orange Garden

The Orange Garden is a park located on the Aventine Hill, very close to the Circus Maximus. It offers a wonderful view over the rooftops of Rome and there is no shortage of green spaces. It will be the ideal location for your wedding photos, especially if you have chosen one of the marvelous churches of the Aventine for the ceremony: Santa Sabina, Santa Prisca, Sant’Alessio …


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


Villa Celimontana

A beautiful villa al Celio, it is close to some of the most popular churches such as Santi Giovanni e Paolo al Celio or Santa Maria in Dominica. In addition to the many green spaces, it offers a delightful Gothic temple, which can be the ideal setting for some couple shots.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio

Pincio / Villa Borghese

The Pincio offers a truly breathtaking view over the rooftops of Rome and Piazza del Popolo, while Villa Borghese is surrounded by greenery and is almost always well-kept. This combination can be the right choice for your wedding photos in Rome.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


The Gazometro

The gasometer is certainly a more unusual location but still much more suggestive and with an urban charm. It is located in the Testaccio district and thanks to its iron structure it can give a very special touch to wedding photographs, especially with the right couple.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


Via Appia Antica

One of the most beautiful streets in Rome but also in the world is certainly Via Appia Antica. A street with an incredible history that can become the perfect location for a couple photo shoot, especially if for the reception you have chosen one of the beautiful villas on the Appia Antica such as Villa Dino, Villa dei Quintili or Villa Appia Antica.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio

The Colosseum

The Colosseum certainly needs no introduction and is always in great demand for wedding photos in Rome, especially for foreign couples. However, it is important to avoid it during too crowded hours otherwise you would risk very confusing photographs due to the huge amount of tourists who come to see one of the seven wonders of the modern world every day.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio

The Eur district

Although the Eur district is not exactly central, it really offers many ideas for wedding photos. On fine days, the Eur lake can be a perfect and very romantic place but also the colonnades can offer very intriguing geometries and above all a great sheltered place to shoot on rainy days.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio

Il Parco Degli Acquedotti

Il parco degli Acquedotti, conosciuto anche come San Policarpo, si trova in zona tuscolana, certo un può fuori mano se vi sposate al centro ma a mio avviso è il parco più bello di Roma. Oltre gli immensi spazi verdi, a fare la differenza nelle fotografie saranno gli acquedotti romani che avrete come sfondo. Una location davvero unica comparsa anche in film diventati famosi nel mondo come “La Dolce Vita” di Fellini e “La Grande Bellezza” di Sorrentino.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


The Janiculum

The Gianicolo is located near the beautiful church of San Pietro in Montorio. The view is wonderful on both sides. The roofs of Rome or St. Peter’s Dome? You are really spoiled for choice and it is certainly one of the best places in Rome to take wedding photos.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


The Pantheon

Last but not least is The Pantheon. Surely one of my favorite monuments due to its history and its grandeur. Shooting at the right time you can get very interesting shots for us photographers, thanks to really impactful cuts of light.


posti migliori roma foto matrimonio


These are just some of the places in Rome where I have taken wedding photos over the years. Browsing through my stories you will surely find many others, including perhaps the one of your dreams.